For all your Air Conditioning and Renewable Energy Needs 


It seems that life revolves around technology nowadays and the heating world is no exception. Gone are the days of the simple on/off time switch to activate the heating and hot water systems. It's all about energy efficiency nowadays, conserving energy usage and lowering running costs. Also, most people have a mobile smart phone or iPad, laptop or computer and people in general have busier lives. 
Modern smart controls are both designed with energy efficiency in mind and can also be activated remotely from an electronic device like a smart phone or tablet. 
And modern software is now so advanced that any electrical device can be remotely accessed and controlled. 
This page offers an insight into some of the controls options available. We will concentrate on those available for the domestic boiler / heatpump system, radiators and underfloor heating. 
Heatmiser Neo-stat Range 
The Heatmiser Neo-stat range of smart controls, are generally used to operate our underfloor heating systems however the room thermostat can be used to control a heating zone as well. The Neo-stat collection consists of a programmable room thermostat (wireless and hard wired), hot water stat, a Neo Hub for wireless control (as long as the home has a router) from a smart phone or tablet. 
There are many more options in the range such as electric underfloor stats, and 12v stats however the above selection are the general units used on most installations. 
The Neo-Stat Programmable Room Thermostat 
The Heatmiser Neo-stat is 230v powered Smart Thermostat and is the ideal upgrade route for those with an existing mains powered thermostat. Neo-stat can operate in Timer or Heating Mode and can be used with remote sensors. 
The Neo-Air Wireless Programmable Room Thermostat 
Is the wireless version of the above programmable room thermostat 
The Neo-stat Hot Water Stat 
The Heatmiser Neo-stat-hw is a time clock with changeover contacts. 
It is designed for those with a motorised valve that requires power to open and power to close. 
The Neo-hub 
The Neo-hub Gen 2 handles all of the network communication between the Neo-stat & Neo-air room thermostats and the smart plug “Neo-plug” enabling you to control a multi zone heating, hot water and appliances from anywhere. 
The Neo-hub Gen 2 brings Home Kit, Google Home and Alexa support to Neo. 
The Neo-hub Gen 2 connects to your home router by an ethernet cable, so one free port is required. The Neo-hub Gen 2 is very much plug and play and pairing the stats to it couldn’t be easier. After you have paired all of your Neo devices (up to 32 are supported) you will have In Home and Remote access of your heating, hot water and appliances. 
To ensure the Neo-hub Gen 2 is always up to date, the Neo-hub will automatically download and install updates so you will always benefit from the very latest software enhancements. 
The Nest Programmable Smart Controller 
The Nest programmable room thermostat will look after both heating and domestic hot water from a single control hub. It consists of a hard wired digital smart thermostat which can be wall mounted or sat on its own base, plus a receiver which is sited next to the boiler or heatpump. The two communicate wirelessly within a 30mtr radius. 
The nest is more commonly controlled through a smart phone or tablet however can be manually controlled if preferred. 
Attached link takes you to the Nest Site for more information. 
Mitsubishi PAR-WT50-E Heatpump Control Stat 
The Mitsubishi Ecodan air to water heatpump has its own easy to operate controller thermostat. This stat is a wireless type which links back to a receiver sited in the cylinder area which in turn wires into the Ecodan controls. 
It has a weather compensation option which will allow the building is reacting to the heating system and adjust the temperature accordingly. 
It has a hot water button which will allow the home owner to override or boost the hot water if required. 
It also has a 2 zone control which is ideal for bigger properties with 2 heating zones. 
Finally there is a holiday mode option to enable the homeowner to set a lower temperature threshold whist away. 
The Honeywell Evohome Package 
Evohome is a range of sophisticated home heating controls produced by Honeywell. The Evohome heating system will allow the creation of up to 12 heating zones in domestic properties.  
Evohome consists of a command centre which likes to a hub which plugs into the properties internet router. The Evohome radiator valve heads replace the existing thermostatic valve heads and allow each room to be individually controlled remotely. 
Evohome will also control domestic hot water and is suitable for any home with a hydronic (wet) central heating system. 
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